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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Bring on 2017! The presents have been opened, the crackers have been pulled and the goose has been well and truly cooked… and eaten. 2016 was one heck of a year… and here’s to the end of it!

The start of a new year is always an opportunity for new beginnings, fresh starts, reinventions.

The start of a new year is always an opportunity for new beginnings, fresh starts, reinventions. A chance to take stock, to sweep the old year’s ennui under the carpet and adopt new projects and goals with enthusiasm and optimism.  Its an idealistic view, but without ideals to strive towards, where would we be? I hope you’ve got one or two things you’d like to achieve this year, to help you take a few steps along the journey to becoming the best version of yourself that you can be. I’m hoping to do the same.

In the meantime, I’m slogging on with some of last year’s leftovers. No, thankfully its not more turkey sandwiches (we’ve finally dealt to those!) but I am plodding on with my 100 Days Project. In amongst all the end of year rush, the Christmas madness and now the lure of summer holidays, I am trying to carve out little spaces of time to complete an extra day here and there. So far I’m in the middle of Europe, and loving the architecture, variety and history that my drawing research brings.

But days at the beach, visits to swimming holes at the river, mountain bike rides, trips to the movies and days spent generally hanging out with the kids beckon….at this rate I won’t get last year’s 100 Days Project finished before this year’s one is due to start!

Check out my most recent days at my 100 Days Project page.

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